Blue Badge - PSSL 59th Annual International Photography Exhibition

The PSSL Annual International Photography Exhibition takes place in Sri Lanka every year. This year I entered for the first time and entered  12 pieces of work into the 3 categories of open Colour, Open Monochrome and Nature.

10 of the works were accepted into the exhibition, with 3 receiving awards. There was also an award made of Best Author for having the most acceptances in the exhibition.

With the Photographic Society of Sri Lanka Exhibition, being International and open to all to enter world wide, the exhibition attracted entries from 50 countries, from 460 authors and had a total of 3,820 images entered.

To gain acceptances in such an exhibition is a major achievement, but to then win individual awards and best author really is on a different level.

The exhibition had patronage from FIAP, The RPS, The PSA and UPI photographic organisations. 

The images with individual awards were Redemption which was awarded a PSA Ribbon, Manhattan Showers which was awarded a fIAP Bronze Medal and Goodbye my Friend that was awarded a PSA Silver Medal.

Redemption - PSA Ribbon

Redemption - PSA Ribbon

Manhattan Showers - FIAP Bronze Medal

Manhattan Showers - FIAP Bronze Medal

Goodbye My Friend - PSA Silver Medal

Goodbye My Friend - PSA Silver Medal


For the Best Author I was awarded The FIAP Blue Badge.